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Adapter harness BMW to Double-DIN

Is needed for correct connection the double-DIN device to BMW board curcuit
Attention: we have tested long, all adapters are in TOP quality and garantuee long
The Adapters belong to new BMW models with ignition running over CanBus signals

Following types are support :

A1 Adapter-Basic (all models 1er E81-E88, 3er E90-E93):

- No CanBus, ignition cant be read out
- ignition + battery must be connected to permanent battery**
- DIN device must be started/stopped manually
- No multi-function steering wheel, no advanced CanBus signals

A3 Adapter-CanBus Advanced-Phonecall (all models 1er E81-E88, 3er E90-E93):

- with CanBus, ignition is read out, automatic start/stopp
- multi-function steering wheel signals, please choose your branded device
- advanced Canbus signals like reverse,phone mute,handbrake, speedpulse for navigation
- additionally Access Telephone Call steering wheel button
- additionally mute-function during PDC signal (A4) and reverse drive
- no Warning-Gongs
- no PDC

A4 Gong-Box & PDC (Alle Modelle 1er E81-E88, 3er E90-E93):

- all warning -and note gongs like seatbelts, ice-warning, fuel gauge
- perfect to A2 or A3 adapter, fully function
- PDC signal front and/or rear, front and rear different sound, distance controlled
- with adapter harness plug&play

A5 A3+A4 discount-package (all models 1er E81-E88, 3er E90-E93):

- with CanBus, ignition is read out, automatic start/stopp
- multi-function steering wheel signals, please choose your branded device
- advanced Canbus signals like reverse,phone mute,handbrake, speedpulse for navigation
- additionally Access Telephone Call steering wheel button
- additionally mute-function during PDC signal (A4) and reverse drive
- no Warning-Gongs
- no PDC
- all warning -and note gongs like seatbelts, ice-warning, fuel gauge
- perfect to A2 or A3 adapter, fully function
- PDC signal front and/or rear, front and rear different sound, distance controlled
- with adapter harness plug&play

B1 Adapter-BMW-original-Start/Stop-automatic:

- for all models 1er E81-E88, 3er E90-E93 with original start-stop-automatic
- fits additional to all adapters A1-A3
- avoids shutoff of DIN device during motor-stop-modus
- keeps supply voltage constant during motor-restart, no shut-down of the ddin device
- after many tests we are sure that this is the only real solution

B2 Adapter-BMW-Fakra ISO-Radio-connector:

For all models since 1998: E39,E46, E81-E88,E90-E93
- necessary for connecting BMW Fakra at DIN-Radio

Ordering only possible in connection with
ordering a bezel or mounting-kit

Attention: BMW stops the battery signal after 45min
You can connect it directly to the battery or open
box between glove-box and center console
2 x torx 10mm red cable